

Ways in SHRM Shapes 'A New You'--Personal reflections from a newly
credentialed SHRM SCPSHRM塑造了一个新的你--来自一个新认证SHRM SCP的心路分享

As a HR professional
in MNC over one decade, with very strong learning avidity and agility, I am
fortunate to hear about SHRM (Society of Human Resources Management by on-job
master tutor around 3.5 years ago. In June of 2016, with the help of SHRM
China, I attended an important event with SHRM NYC and had a great opportunity
to F2F conversation with a dozen of NYC SHRM seasonal experts. After that I
participated the SHRM Annual Conference and Exposition in D.C. and totally
amazed by such an impressive high end global HR grand banquet. It triggered me
to commence my big dream from enrolling the professional membership and
touching SHRM Bod of Competency and Knowledge (BoCK). And then I signed up the
SHRM- SCP certification test in 2017 Winter Test window, the first time I did
not pass due to special combination of circumstances.

作为一个在欧美跨国公司工作了10年的人力资源从业人士,对着学习一直有着极大的渴望和灵敏度,很幸运在大约三年半以前通过我在职研究生班的任课导师引介了世界上最有影响力的人力资源从业者组织-SHRM,前身为美国人力资源协会. 2016年6月,经SHRM中国的协调推介,有幸在纽约参与了SHRM纽约协会的一次年度重要活动并且和那里的专家们畅谈了一小时。其后,去首都华盛顿参加了SHRM年会和展览会,被这个全世界顶尖的高端人力资源盛宴深深震撼。从此,我开始了自己追梦的旅途:成为SHRM的专业会员和参加其SHRM-SCP认证考试。虽然阴差阳错在第一次报考SCP考试(2017年1月)中没有通过,但并没有阻挡我继续学习的决心和热情。

Being the inspiring
lady with strong aspiration, especially attending 2017 SHRM Annual Conference
and Exposition with deeper and broader understanding of the certification and
continuous learning, I re-started my learning journey in last autumn. After the
morein-depth studyof SHRM Bock, I have observed some of
theimpactsthat SHRM and SHRM certificationcan make on the
life of an HR professional. I believe that my observations can be appreciated
by anyone setting out on the certification journey or seeking to take their
career to the next level, so I'd like to share them with you here: the three
ways in which SHRM shapes "a new you."

作为一个鞭策自己不断坚持正能量的人力资源管理人士,在2017年6月在新奥尔良再一次参加了SHRM年会和展览会后,对其认证考试和继续学习的宗旨有了更广更深的了解后,我重新开始了自己SHRM-SCP认证考试的征程。对最新的SHRM的胜任力体系(BoCK), 我认识到SHRM和其认证体系对人力资源从业人士有着重要的影响,相信我的一些心得体会和任何一个准备开始认证学习历程和寻求自己的职业生涯到登高一个历程的同学们有一些帮助,概括如下三点和大家共勉:

1. SHRM Certification
Helps You Reflect on the Joy of Learning认证考试帮助您愉快享受学习的乐趣

It can be hard to face
the fact that once you decide to pursue SHRM certification, you are seriously
undertaking a new course of learning, and you must
remaindisciplineduntil testing day. If you are notmotivated,
you might not reap the rewards of absorbing new knowledge and achieving success
on the exam.Learning from my 1st certification test with failure at
Strategy and SJT modules, and the SHRM BoCK and the SHRM Learning System did
not let me down.Well-organized, insightfuland up-to-date, the SHRM
BoCK isa real partnerin the process of assimilating new
information. Within the modules of the Learning System, you'llrecognize
your own HR problems, initiatives, and successes. Together these materials do a
great job systemizing your HR overall knowledge and helping you understand what
an HR professional needs in this era. When you findyour own HR concerns
and interestsaddressed in your study materials, you won't call it
studying anymore—you'll legitimately consider the
experience of preparing for the exam to be asatisfying intellectual


2. SHRM Certification
Keeps You Moving认证让您不断学习前进

Once you're
SHRM-certified, you can't rest on your laurels. In an ever-changing world, it's
inarguable that staying in place means being left behind. As soon as you
receive your SHRM credential, start moving ahead.Your professional
education should be never-ending. Over the three-year span of your
recertification cycle, partner with SHRM to learn, advance in your organization
and collect your professional development credits (PDCs).And I have
kick-off my PDCs journey now!


3. SHRM Connects You
to a Magic Library of Knowledge SHRM


Have you ever been
confused HR issues and felt stuck over how to do next?SHRM is your friend
in need and your friend indeed. SHRM has thousands of documents, templates and
explanations can help you unlock the answer to your problem. You'll be amazed
to find that your HR problems and issues are often the similar elsewhere in the
world, and that HR professionals from all over are sharing their insights and
advice to help you figure them out. Your question today could help your HR
counterparts in the future. 在您日常工作中陷入难题有些不知所措时,SHRM始终是您不离不弃的好伙伴。SHRM有着巨大的知识库可以帮您解答这些问题的同事,也开始了很多论坛和群组在不同的社交媒体上提供了您和您全世界的人力资源从业人员共同交流的平台,她/他们愿意和您实时无保留的分享自己的想法和做法帮您解决难题和困惑。

HR professionals are
part of something larger and more meaningfulthan we realize. I'm also
always looking for more "how did you get to SHRM" stories from the
other HR folks I meet. Every SHRM-certified professional has an inspiring
story, so let your story be heard. I am looking forward to meeting you! 人力资源从业人员当今的使命比许多人传统认识的越来越重要,作为一个一直乐于分享的人力资源管理者,我非常乐意倾听每一个同学的认证考试的独特经历和故事,也期待着和您们相见的那天!